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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Site of the day! really?
Topic: Rambling on

I am so thrilled that I was Michele's site of the day!

 Thank you so much Michele! I'm really flattered, I don't get as much time to write as many people do & so I never expected to have anyone important take any notice    Laughing 

 (the mentions of Micheles should be links, I know this, However, Tripod does not allow links currently, or maybe it's my computer! anyway, cut & paste this & go see Michele!)  http://micheleagnew.com/


In other news, I did all my Mandatory Overtime today & am annoyed because, of course, I have to do it again next week, 4 hours every week, I usualy try to do it while I'm already there but the past week I couldn't bear the thought, at 8 pm, that I needed to stay annother 1 or 2 hours to make up my overtime & so since they were offering for daytime (which is rare) I took the offer & worked today instead. It wasn't that bad really, except for driving all that way there & back again & the sneaking feeling that I should be at home with the kids because they're going back to school tommorow.... Oh well, Saturdays coming up after all, we can be at each other's throats then! 

Posted by Becky at 12:24 AM EDT

Friday, August 18, 2006 - 2:12 PM EDT

Name: "prego"
Home Page: http://rustbeltramblings.blogspot.com

there's two words that shouldn't be coupled.   mandatory and overtime. i'm sure there's one word for it in japan.




here via michele today. 

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