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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Chrissie said it best...Why I'm Shopping for a New Blog Place
Now Playing: Rock on by David Essex
Topic: Rambling on

"If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" see: http://chrisseascorner.tripod.com

I don't know who said it first, but it is true. Especially since I had no complaints about tripod at all before they started changing things, I'm not much of a complainer, I put up with a lot before I get upset. But continued changes, (Now they've taken my spell check away & I had only just begun using it too!) Most of them seem to be things I've seen on other blogs, like misstatements cross outs which are ok in some ways but why take away spell check? & why doesn't mozilla support my cutting & pasting out of notebook on to my draft entry in tripod? No linking? why? it's all grayed out & I know others are having the same problem!

Suffice it to say I'm shopping for a new place. The real problem is I can't see what they're like with out getting a blog on them, there's no try it out section, only a bunch of verbage 'selling' you on the site. So I'm going to try out Wordpress, mostly because someone I really like & respect's blog is on there.  I admit though, that I have a lot of reservations, there are a lot of things I like about tripod- mostly that I've figured out how to use most everything on it, even remote posts! I hate to give it up, plus I have a public (this one) & a private blog on tripod- am I going to give both up & change both over? or only this one which I use more. The one I just started is only 1, I'm not sure if I should move everything from here over there or start anew over there. It doesn't seem right to just abandon all I've written here after all....

Of course I'm not a particularly decisive person, my oldest waited almost 24 hours with out a name & so did my youngest! I can't even decide what color to make my trial blog over there on wordpress- 

I haven't decided for sure either, I may just stick with it over here, there are certainly things to be said for this place, pictures already archived etc....  we shall see. probably the best thing I could do is write a note to tripod- if everyone who's on here & does not like the changes (& that's everyone I know who uses tripod) writes they'd have to do something right? 

Posted by Becky at 12:01 AM EDT

Thursday, August 3, 2006 - 11:58 PM EDT

Name: "Chrissie"
Home Page: http://chrisseas-corner.tripod.com

I'm going back and forth about it too.....

Still can't decide.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 - 12:33 PM EDT

Name: "yellojkt"
Home Page: http://livebythefoma.blogspot.com

I've been very happy with Blogger, mostly because it's free. They have some service issues and I don't think they even have spell check. You can always sign up for an account and quit if you don't like it.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - 9:44 PM EDT

Name: "Shephard"
Home Page: http://ShubertAlleyShehard.blogspot.com

Ya know... I've been on blogger, and often thought of changing or moving my blog... it can be unreliable.   But I hear other people having issues with their services too.  Maybe it's just par for the course.  I hope you get things figured out!

(Visiting from Michele's)


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