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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Saw This on Someone else's blog today & thought it was pretty cool!
Topic: Stuff & Nonsense

The first line from the first post for each month of last year, (starting in February since I didn't start blogging until February)

February   100 things about me
100- I'm Fat, I've been fat my whole life excluding ages 18 to 21 & it's only a big deal when it keeps me from doing something I want to do.

March  It Could always be worse.....it was not the worst day I've ever had, it wasn't among my best though. I didn't lose my temper at anyone on the phone & I only remember shaking my middle finger at the computer screen during 3 or 4 calls today! over the course of 55-60 calls in a day that's pretty good, for me.

April I left work early back on Friday, I was feeling Ill & on top of that my ex's threatened visit was really putting me into a tailspin. My house is a mess, my yard is a mess, I'm broke, I have broken windows & can't figure out how to take the boards that hold the windows in their frames off to take the windows out & repair them

May I was reading annother Local blog which had an entry about people coming from other areas, thinking this was a good place to settle & on the
considerations they should take under advisement,

June   Just got back from a hike in Patrick County, ( more pictures are here) I managed half the hike & let 16, her Boyfriend & Chris-sea's daughter finish it. miss 9 & mr 6 & I stayed in the primitive campsites & went wading in the river & met butterflies.

July  I'm not going to pretend I did anything of great importance today, I would have liked to but then I'm a boring person in general & I'm boring enough to say at least I acomplished most of what I set out for myself.

August  Its hard getting back in the swing of things after being on vacation, it's even odder when barely a week after getting home you're off again. Tuesday of this week we drove to Kentucky to take miss 16 to a friends house

September   If everybody is happy doing their own thing why do I feel guilty that I've been wasting the whole day looking at silly stuff on my computer? All three kids are busy with their own pursuits, no one has asked me to do anything which I've said no to because I'm absorbed in the computer, but yet, I still feel guilty for being on here just messing around-

October  I've been online for over an hour just reading other peoples blogs etc. & it seems everyone has so much more of a life, so many more links to interesting & funny & beautiful things.

November  Halloween is over & it's back to the grind, Last night was fun, not spectacular, I was actually rather disapointed in my company's halloween setup, there were some stand out parts, the IT department in particular stands out - the little ones actually got tentative & jumped when the scare came- something I would have doubted would happen any longer.

 December I was at work this morning struggling to make it to the halfway point in the day so I could go home sick & I got a text message from miss 16 who was home from school with the diareah & vomiting I was struggling against while at work. The text said 'yeah, I just almost died'.

Posted by Becky at 12:01 AM EST

Wednesday, January 3, 2007 - 10:03 AM EST

Name: "colleen"
Home Page: http://looseleafnotes.com

I like to review more than resolve. And it all just sounds so much better when it's down in writing like a photograph can make life seem picture perfect.


Glad your recovering! 

Friday, January 5, 2007 - 12:26 AM EST

Name: "Jennifer"
Home Page: http://happyfamilyathome.blogspot.com/

Here from Michele's....nice to "meet" you...I will come back and visit again! I think I'll steal your "2006" meme...my blog is getting quiet lately!!


Friday, January 5, 2007 - 12:01 PM EST

Name: "Bob-kat"
Home Page: http://bobkatshouse.blogspot.com

Wow - think I might pinch this idea for a post when I get writer sblock. Seems like you had some varied things happening lasy year :-)


Here from Michele's. 

Friday, January 5, 2007 - 1:51 PM EST

Name: "carli"
Home Page: http://firstladyofdullsville.blogspot.com

It's amazing what a detailed portrait is painted with just these few tidbits of your blogging life. Thans for sharing. Here from M.

Friday, January 5, 2007 - 1:51 PM EST

Name: "rampantbicycle"
Home Page: http://www.rampantbicycle.com/blog

This sort of post is always rather intriguing...looking for themes and such, you know. :) Looks like a year of thoughtfulness over the online experience...

 Hello from Michele's!

Sunday, January 7, 2007 - 5:30 PM EST

Name: "Chrissie"
Home Page: http://chrisseas-corner.tripod.com

Yep - I'm stealling this one too.  LOL

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