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Saturday, November 4, 2006
The Book Meme

I've seen parts of this on other blogs, but some questions were on one & not on others so I took all the questions I could find about books & compiled my own meme. 

1. One book you have read more than once:
 Oh Please, I've re-read so many books it's not funny, for the most part if I own it I've read it at least twice.

2. One book you would want on a desert island:
  Only One? Yeah, that'll happen. Ok: The idiots guide to Island Living There should be one if there isn't already! I'll take any good, large survivalist manual in a pinch though

3. One book that made you laugh:
  Alamo House by Sarah Bird

4. One book that made you cry:
  Beach Music by Pat Conroy     

5. One book I wish I had written:
   Well, Anything good, I'm a wannabe writer but I'm sure I won't even be able to begin trying until I'm retired    

6. One book you wish had never been written:
   I don't really belive Any book shouldn't be written, or should be banned.   

7. Total books owned, ever:
 TOO many! I probably have owned over a thousand, I currently have, not counting my childrens book collection (many of which were mine before they were theirs) about 500.

8. Last book you read:
  Just Finished Wicked: the life & times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

9. One book that you are currently reading:
   The Ghost in the Gazebo, an anthology of New England Ghost stories Edited by Edward Lodi

10. One book you mean to read but haven't yet:
  The Shelters of Stone, by Jean M Auel, I've been meaning to, really, I read all the others, but it was a long time ago & I just can't seem to get into it.
11. Favorite Author:
  Stephen King

12. Favorite Ongoing series:
  Harry Potter by JK Rowling

13. Favorite Defunct series:
  ? would the Lord of the Rings Qualify? is a trillogy a series?

14. Book that everyone Raved about but you couldn't get into:
   anything by Jackie Collins.

15. Book you wish you wrote:
   oh, Anything that's really well written

16. Your favorite style of book:
  Just fiction, with a fairly heavy historical bent.

17. Last Book you bought:
 In a store: Kill two Birds & get Stoned by Kinky Freidman
 by bookclub: Between Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson
18. One book that changed your life:

19. Five books that mean a lot to you:
 This is like trying to choose between my kids- just not possible-
  Survivor by Tabitha King
  Come Spring by Ben Ames Williams
  The Mommy Club by Sarah Bird
  The Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon
  A Vision of Light & all the other books by Judith Merkle Riley

20. If you wrote a book would it be porn,Twisted comedy or horror?:
   A little of each I'd have to say.

Posted by Becky at 2:40 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, November 4, 2006 3:29 PM EST

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 10:21 PM EST

Name: "cathy"
Home Page: http://cathy-with-a-c.blogspot.com/

Here from Michele's!

I LOVE to read... but after just having had a baby three and a half weeks ago, I doubt I'll be able to finish a book for awhile!  The last one I was reading before he was born is now almost a week overdue at the library!

Tuesday, November 7, 2006 - 12:23 PM EST

Name: "Bobkat"
Home Page: http://www.bobkatshouse.blogspot.com

Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog via Michelle's. Seems like you have a real love of books. I do too adn if you like ones with a strong historical contect then have you tried Bernard Cornwell? He did a great triliogy called the Winter King about King Arthur.

Sunday, November 12, 2006 - 11:20 PM EST

Name: "Leah"
Home Page: http://leahmumfordlang.blogspot.com/index.html

wow, you've got quite a collection there.  I might try one of your best books selection and see if its my kind of book.  Will check if you have any book reviews in your posts.

hi from michele

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