Topic: 100 things about me
29- I learned from my father as a child & teenager how to develop black & white negatives & prints, the last time I used the skills was after my father died to print a bunch of pictures of he & my brother thru their lives for a bunch of family members. I have my Fathers equipment but I don't have the chemicals & probably couldn't remember how to mix them or anything. Everything is different nowadays anyway, you've got computers where you had enlargers & chemicals to develop the prints.
28- I see my ex's family more than my own, they're a lot more fun than most of my own family & we've all gotten closer since my ex moved away than we ever were when he & I were married.
27- I am a lot more interested in other peoples blogs these days than I am in my own. My assumption is that most people like blogs which are about current events, I don't expect a large readership on my own because I'm mostly writing for myself, I unlike, (what I assume is) the general opinion of others like the blogs which are more similar to mine. people talking about themselves, their childhood memories, their own kids, stuff like that in general.
26- I started this feeling like I would have no trouble ripping off 100 things about myself but they're getting rarer, I'm reading other people's 100 things for ideas, that's where things like favorite cars, foods etc. came from.
25- If I borrowed something from you & you're reading this please consider imitation the sincerest form of flattery
24- If I could have any car I'd have a new 2005 mustang, my next expected car purchase will probably be a honda crv or something in that small suv range, I shop all the time for cars, not at car lots, I just point out cars I like to the kids while we're driving, This drives them nuts since I can't get a replacement car for my pt. cruiser for at least annother year & I would be smarter to wait for 2 more years & pay it off.
23- My favorite flowers are Peonys, Roses & Irises. But I like Lilacs, daffodills & hyacinths too, about the only flowers I don't care for are the November (my birth month) flower, chrysanthemums.
22- Besides my family's 10 acres & the neighbors multiple acres behind my house growing up I also had the park across the street to hike around in. I'm not supposed to mention the park anymore because that's where my brother hung himself later but I(& he)had a lot of fun there before that happened & so I keep my good memories of the place,
21- I took my kids to that park in 2003 (I think it was that year, I had my white car still I'm pretty sure) I didn't tell them about the bad stuff about my brother, just my happy memories of swimming there, hiking around there, the giant rock in the hill above the swimming hole. the carvings in the trees up there that we used to walk around & read, the frog pond etc.
20- we didn't stay long, not because of the memories. It was mostly the bugs, I always forget how many bugs there are in Mass, here in the Virginia mountains there just aren't that many blackflies or mosquitos, just ants, flies, sweatbees & the biggest wasps & bees I've ever seen! I've already laid in a supply of wasp killer- the kind which is supposed to keep them away for a couple of weeks, if I spray a can every 2 weeks & buy annother each time I get paid I might be able to avoid any unpleasant nests cropping up anywhere on the eaves of the house or shed
Posted by Becky
at 6:45 PM EST