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Friday, March 31, 2006
Now Playing: Dosen't remind me of Anything by Audioslave
Topic: Family Business

So the Ex is coming, first it was for a week, now it's for 3 days or maybe 3 & 1/2. As usual he's not sure, of course I know that the 'not sure' & 'doesn't remember' stuff he perpetuates is often a mask for his true motives, he often pretends he doesn't know something when he actually does because he likes to display an image of not paying attention to much when he actually is watching things like a hawk. Once when we were married I drove us somewhere & I thought he was asleep the whole drive, when we got there & he told me he hadn't been asleep I questioned this as I was not too pleased that he had not been asleep (there was someone else in the car & we were having a private discussion)He not only was able to report back to me the entire discussion the other person & I had but also tell me the make & model of every car we passed on our 20 mile drive (not a lot of them, it was very early in the morning & we only passed about 10 cars)He is scary that way & it wories me that he's being rather vague about the dates. He says 3 days but then he says they're driving from Sunday to Monday & will be here Monday afternoon & fails to say wether monday is counted as a day or if Thursday would be the third day. It's typical of him & worries me, I've already alerted the school & certain Family members & friends who are my backup. I'm leaving it to him to let his Mom & Brother know. Since he says they're staying with his Sister & his Brother I certainly hope he's mentioned it to them! I've also asked for a swap at work so I work the Saturday before he shows up & then have Thursday off (when he may or may not be here still) & I left work early today because I was sick & timed my drive when leaving halfway thru the day to see if leaving at that time would get me home in time to pick up the kids at school on that Monday.(it should, barring any log trucks!)Which, should be ok. If he's not lying & actually staying more days than he's said he would (not unheard of in the past)So he drives me nuts, I have to worry all the time about it & on top of that he's remarried & she's aparently jealous of the time we were married which is silly because the 2 times we've met I've worked very hard to show that I have no interest in him in the least except that he's the only person who cares as much as I do about the kids.

Posted by Becky at 7:08 PM EST

Saturday, April 1, 2006 - 1:39 PM EST

Name: Chrissie aka Chris
Home Page: http://chrisseas-corner.tripod.com

Is he back with the X?
I thought they split?

Saturday, April 1, 2006 - 5:59 PM EST

Name: Becky

Yeah, they're back together, I knew it would happen when she wrote back after my first email with a little bit of the b.s. he's put me thru, she said: (& this is a direct quote right out of the email)"very mainipulating. now i got a long letter from him saying he wants to be a family. again. and that he will be a great dad and husband. how many times have you heard that one? he like to tell me he cries and thinks of hurting himself. he is just trying to make me feel bad for him i know." My advice to her after reading that was if she was going to go back & forth with him not to make the mistake I made where I vented to my mother & grandmother when we were on the outs because they thought less of me when I took him back the 6 or 7 times I did take him back.

Saturday, April 1, 2006 - 7:43 PM EST

Name: Ann

Maybe you did go back more than you should have Beck, but you finally smartened up. If he cares about the kids so much, why doesn't he stop being such an asshole

Saturday, April 1, 2006 - 8:01 PM EST

Name: Becky

Yes, I agree he's an asshole, the latest email, (after I told him that to speak to the kid's classes was by invitation only & they were not issuing an invitation. & also that the deal would be the same on this visit as previously, visit with me there or at his moms or brothers houses only.) shows that up even more than previously. He is talking lawyers etc. I'm ok with that though, Lois has a friend who's aunt is a lawyer & a specialist in family law & will do the work pro bono for me. Also most everyone who knows anything about it has assured me that I'd have to be on hard drugs & neglecting the kids before they'd reverse a custody decision.

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