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Just got back from a hike in Patrick County, ( more pictures are here I managed half the hike & let 16, her Boyfriend & Chris-sea's daughter finish it. miss 9 & mr 6 & I stayed in the primitive campsites & went wading in the river & met butterflies. They were mad at first that I wouldn't let them go on ahead on the hike but we had enough fun that they got over it pretty quickly. I am still sick- stuffed up & have a sore throat but my voice is nearly back to normal which is a good thing. I had to take both last Friday & Sunday off. (I already had Saturday off) I get in the same amount of trouble for taking 2 days off in the same block of time as if I took 1 so since Saturday began a different week & I couldn't talk any better Sunday morning than I could Friday morning I decided it was better to just rest my voice.
We've been to the river to swim (I stayed out of the water, my voice got noticeably worse after the last time we swam)To dinner at Kabukis & to town with 16's boyfriend who came in from Kentucky for a week's visit, today we not only went on the hike, we drove on the Parkway & enjoyed the views & also a bunch of old car enthusiasts from North Carolina were driving all over the parkway with their beautiful old cars. Driving my PT Cruiser around these 70's, 60's & 50's beauties made me feel like an impostor- 16 accused me of being more into the cars than the views, I have, of course, seen the views a thousand times & it's not every day you see a baby blue mint condition Corvair! my only complaint is that there were not enough Mustangs for my taste. All in all though, it was a lot of fun, the kids accuse me of never wanting to do anything like just drive around on the parkway anymore. The reason I used to do that sort of thing more before was the horror of our old trailer, if it got too much to bear or too hot, smelly or upsetting to look at we'd all pile in the car & drive around. Nowadays I'd rather be at home because I like home (except that it's a mess right now- with 7 people here that's no surprise!)I'd rather be at home than almost anywhere else & especially in my garden which is in need of some serious attention, all this showing around & sight seeing has kept me from it for a week now & tommorow I have to go back to work, (for 2 whole days - oh wah!! what a big baby I am, I've worked 5 in a row between days off previously & I know how good I've got it- really I do! Of course no matter how good it is it could always be better & I've got to go mess around in the garden before we go swiming or something else.

Posted by Becky
at 4:53 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:02 PM EDT