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Monday, July 17, 2006
Monday 7/17
Topic: Vacation 2006

After basting ourselves with sunblock we went swimming at Hampton beach for the day. They had forecast a 94 degree day & they weren't kidding! Hampton always has the coldest water & today was no exception. Miss 16 had been freaking out the night before because the news showed footage of a shark which showed up at a beach on Cape Cod on Sunday. I told her the oft repeated & quite true adage that sharks like warm water & won't show up in colder waters & Hampton is cold! Phil has told me how when she'd take her kids to Rockland to visit her in-laws they would always spend a few days at Nantasket beach & her MIL would be embarrassed sitting on the beach because Phil & her kids would often be the only ones in the water because the water was so cold & people would remark on their being in the water. Phil says the cold water at Hampton & Salisbury inured them to cold water & that Hull didn't feel so cold!The water was that cold Monday & Miss 16 relaxed about the sharks after feeling the water. After an hour & a half of swimming mr 7 was shivering so badly he couldn't speak to protest when I said it was time to take a break from swimming. His sisters were not too pleased with him or I when I said everybody out. They perked up however when I said we would go across the street & shop. 7 was less impressed but cheered up when he discovered there were arcades - he's a skee ball fanatic!
We checked out t-shirts, bumper stickers, rock posters & shells both natural & formed into weird shapes such as turtles & old fashioned ladies with big skirts. We spent a fortune at 16's & my favorite store- The Cow's Ass which is a leather store- 16 got a wallet there which she keeps taking out & smelling! I got a couple of celtic symbols with different meanings I got the one for 'Love' a few years ago this year I got 'new life' & 'wisdom' 16 got one for her & one for her boyfriend. We shopped for about an hour & then got boogie boards & headed back to the beach where the waves were huge due to the first hurricaine of the season out at sea.
I forgot to mention that we also had fried dough & fresh lemonade during our first break from swimming. When we went back to the water they immediately began surfing with the boogie boards & had a great time riding some of the biggest waves I've ever seen outside of a winter storm & I've lived year round at the beach twice. After annother 2 hours or so mr7 was cold again & so we went back & checked out the rest of the stores. After going through them we went back to swim 1 last time & ended up swimming for 3 hours more! When we were all ready to leave we went to dinner at a place called the Sylvan st Grill. I had been there before once & wanted to try it again. The little ones liked it because the kid's meals came with deserts- Lois & I liked that to because it gave us the option to have desert too- we shared a slice of triple layer chocolate cake & it was excelent. As was the whole meal- I just can't remember what we had! (mr 7 had a hot dog though)






No pictures please, she's too crabby!

Posted by Becky at 2:17 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:26 PM EDT

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