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Monday, July 17, 2006
Tuesday July 18
Topic: Vacation 2006
Because we were so busy at the beach on Monday I designated Tuesday as a quiet day. we spent the morning with Phil visiting & helping her go through some boxes of craft stuff to eliminate some things she says she won't use anymore {which means we got some new craft stuff & some cool halloween decorations!} Then we went to get lunch at Ari's & got subs- they were too crowded to eat in at though so I drove around while the kids ate & parked at the stadium park & while I ate 10 & 7 played on the playground & 16 complained. About what, I don't remember but bitching was done! Then we went around to the back of the stadium & walked down to the rivers edge. The girls stayed on the steps with me but 7 got right into the mud & would have gone in the water if I hadn't stopped him. (this is the Merrimack river, a river I used to watch from my great-grandmother's apartment & pass time counting the dead fish floating by! no way is my kid setting a finger in it!)
After annother drive over backroads which I've loved for years we went to Phils & brought her out to go to Markeys for lobster, steamers & as a change from the hot dogs mr7 had a cheeseburger! After we took a ride thru Salisbury to see the summer place Phil's grandparents built.

Posted by Becky at 1:13 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:23 PM EDT

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