Now Playing: Not the Doctor by Alanis Morisette
Topic: Self Portrait Tuesday
My Head is elsewhere, that's not unusual, I multi task at work & at home all the time. I routinely plan 2 weeks worth of meals, the next 6 months budget, what I'm getting the kids for their birthdays or Christmas. While verbally walking people through their bills, putting a snowy screen back on a picture or adding programing or set top boxes to their accounts. I constntly help with homework while doing dishes or even taking a bath (Miss 9 only, 16 & 6 would rather die than be in the bathroom with me- especialy during a bath) I can do dishes, read, watch the news & type on the computer while yelling at people about the state of their rooms, the dishes they were supposed to do & the yard. (come to think of it that last one isn't exactly something to brag about) I don't know why I can't keep track of the days this week though, I posted my thirteen for Thursday last night before I went to bed.... I am REALLY losing it!
Part of the problem is I'm not on my regular schedule this week, I had Sunday off & am working all 5 week days this week instead of working Sunday & Monday & then Thursday & Friday only. The other part of my distraction is the reason I'm on a different schedule, it's because I;m learning a new computer program at work. I've been at my Job 5 years this July & I have of course aged by 5 years since I started but I really don't remember having this much trouble learning the original computer programs. Or all the other stuff I had to learn to do my job correctly (& belive me, there's a LOT to it!) I just absorbed it all & went on from there... & it's not like I'm not stretching my mind constantly. Just doing the job is a challenge mentally every day. Plus we have 2 hours of mandatory training every single week so it's not like I'm out of the loop (any loop at all...) This is the hardest thing I've done in about 2 & 1/2 years. (2&1/2 years ago we released like 5 boxes at the same time, all with different specs & functions & to add to it I was sick with the flu & something else for 7 weeks straight & barely knew who I was let alone how to fix those stupid boxes) This time I have no illness, it's just really hard going. Everyone else (17 of us, all learning this together) is struggling too so I'm trying not to take it personally but it seems like 4 days of training is not enough time to really learn a whole new system of work. Yes, that's all we get, 4 days & then they throw us out to the wolves (you read that: customers) to fend for ourselves. Add to that the fact that the person teaching us learned this system last week & has had about 7 hours of practical application & it's just a recipe for disaster. Just as I think I've figured some of it out they throw annother curve at me or there's something else you have to click on to make it work right!
So I took down my Thursday thirteen & will re-post it Wednesday night. Here's my self portrait for the week.... I was checking for gray hairs is the point there... I should have a full head of them by Friday night.