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Friday, August 18, 2006
The End of the World as we Know it?
Now Playing: Hungry Heart by Bruce Springstein
Topic: Rambling on

Ok, so I know I'm not very political, I used to be, but after my ex left just making it through the week became my focus, I was worried much more about having enough food for the kids to eat & how we were going to keep the power & the phone on than what was going on in the wider world, I still voted in the presidential & gubenetorial (is that how you spell that?) races & I watch the nightly local & national news every night. But spending time worrying about what was going on & actualy reading newspapers was lost to me (I actualy gave up the newspaper when I moved from Mass to VA, the Roanoke paper is ok, but when you're used to the Boston Globe, well, I'm a snob!) Then there's the fact that I'm a liberal independent person & I live in a staunchly republican, conservative state. Keeping a low profile is just a good idea, but I was blog surfing (Via Micheles, I just pick a few titles on the blog roll & open them up to see what's there) & I happend on a site which had the following link on it. I didn't read too much of that blog because I got sucked into this link & never looked back:


go check it out, at least skim the first page, there's enough there to get you worried to say the least.

To say it was absorbing reading is an understatement, I immediately began trying to figure out what I would DO if the world collapsed like they're descibing, I live in a house with an electric stove, electric water pump & very little self sufficiency! We have a propane powered furncace but my credit wasn't good enough to lease a propane tank last year & so last winter we heated with a round kerosene heater. It actualy worked out ok, not too cold but they say the winter was unusualy mild, I thought it was the difference between the trailer we were living in & an actual insulated house.  But Kerosene is a non renewable resourse. I have to go to the store & buy it & it's made from chemicals which oil is used to process. After reading that site I have made all these mental connections about how we/I live which add up to what the hell would I do if this happen(s)ed? 

Not to mention the implicit, depressing, 'what will my kid's lives be like?' question! I talked to my 16 year old about it & she just shrugged & said 'J (current boyfriend) & I will just build a self-sufficient home off in the woods & live independently' I was hard put not to point out the multile flaws in this plan but I didn't want to depress her too much since she's pretty depressive in general & we've been arguing lately about that- How she's always depresive & moping & surly. I made a concious decision When my ex left me in 2000 that I was not going to live my life that way, that I was going to try to be as optomistic, upbeat & cheerful as possible & try to look on the bright side of everything as much as humanly possible. Which is not 'normal' in my family, my mother & all of her brothers are moody, mopey, depressive people & I have watched them all drag through their lives & I don't want to live like that! (the st. Johnswort helps this too!- but I couldn't take it while with the ex because it can interfere with birth contol pills they say) So she's going exactly the same way I was & my mother & uncles are & I'm trying to give her the mental tools to help combat it - it's not all herbal, you have to choose to look at things as positively as possible too...

Anyway, I'm just floored by this article & am actually considering a change in jobs to eliminate my 50+ mile round trip commute. (I want to telecommute but all the stuff I'm finding looks like scams) & there's the length of service thing to consider, I've been at my job for over 5 years & make more than any starting wage job is going to give me- especialy in this area! Rural areas, while better suited for a 'back to the land approach' are not too great for working outside the home for cash to pay the taxes & the mortgage type thing!

Enough of this depressing stuff, I'm off from work & relaxing at home with out any kids, it's been lovely except I slept too late & too long & have a headache. I have a half an hour left before they're back home & I have already done 2 loads of laundry, put away 2 baskets of clean clothes which I folded last night & done a ton of dishes (how we end up with so many dishes AFTER dinner dishes are done I'll never understand) Now I'm thinking about a snooze/book read in my hammock because the calendar & the weather don't know or care that school is back in session!

Posted by Becky at 2:43 PM EDT

Friday, August 18, 2006 - 8:14 PM EDT

Name: "Chrissie"
Home Page: http://chrisseas-corner.tripod.com

Yes....  Wild!

I read a lot of it and shared it with the Love Link.  I might link to you, about this, on my blog too. 

Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 4:31 PM EDT

Name: "Kathy"
Home Page: http://ben-gal.tripod.com

Hi Becky, I've been reading this depressing stuff for years; the trick is to understand that what is is; we have the choice to let it rule our lives or not.

I choose the not.

Take GOoD care. 

Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 1:38 PM EDT

Name: "margalit"
Home Page: http://outtamymindwithworry.blogspot.com

You can still read the globe online. It's free. Also, there are a ton of great Boston blogs and web site aggregators that will keep you up to date with all the big dig fiascos and other Boston news! 

A year before Y2K I had friends from Framingham that sold their big McMansion, buy a place off the grid in VT, and go completely natural. They sort of lost their minds, as far as I'm concerned, but they do live completely independant of the grid, with solar panels that create their electricity, cell and satellite phones, wood/coal furnace, and an aga stove that uses coal. They have 3 kids who don't ever remember living a regular, normal life. It's not my choice, but they seem to have adapted.

 We're really careful with energy here because I feel like the Arab nations are holding the world hostage just because they can. I'd rather keep my money than line the pockets of Cheney and Bush and their oil cronies. People are amazed that we can keep the A/C's at 78 degrees and be perfectly comfortable, and we only use them downstairs, not upstairs. We just move downstairs in the summer. In the winter, even in cold Boston, we keep the heat at 68 during the day and 55 at night. We've got triple pane windows, the house in well insulated, and we live with blankets and sweats all winter. It's the only way to survive in Boston, anyhow. And I no longer use the car. So I feel pretty good about how we're dealing with this situation so far. But we all know it's gonna get worse.


Where is Jack Bauer when we need him?  

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