Friday July 20
Topic: Vacation 2006
Ann lives in New Hampshire near the Maine border. also near
North Berwick where my Fathers fishing club has/had their camp. I wanted to check & see if it was still there or had been sold & knocked down to make room for condos!So after breakfast w

e went there. I had forgotten the zen of the NH highway system in which you get on a numbered road & follow it miles & miles just trusting that you're still on the right road & maybe every 15-20 miles if you are lucky you might see a road sign with the road's # on it to confirm that you're on the right road! You just have to trust. I trusted a little too much & ended up on the wrong road. So we had to back track to get to
North Berwick - we came in through
Sanford which was where we used to go to get groceries when I used to go there for weekends with friends. So I got to drive back roads I hadn't been on in 10 years & was not at all sure I could actualy find my way along. I found it just fine though & the cabin looks just the same from the road- In the picture its bare

ly visible- but its still there & still in some use.
My Mother & I aren't in touch with the fishing club guys at all any more & I didn't want to trespass so the kids & I went to the river down the road to see if the area was more built up than before or not. It wasn't, but a problem I had been upset about years ago has been resolved near this river a bunch of ATVs & Dirt bikes had been riding around in there beside the river & tearing the woods up. They have fenced it off & put up a sign saying its off limits to motor vehicles but open to pedestrians. The kids were surprised that the water was so brownish red- it is the iron content in the water- here in VA the water is brownish green or full mud brown depending on how recently it has rained! we got out & looked around & took pictures. After w

e were done with that we went to Kittery & checked out a few of the outlet stores, craft stores & of course the
Trading Post- We checked out the gifty stuff but I didn't want to check out the camping supplies since we're not going to get to go camping this year- I'm sulking about it.
K.t.p I also don't go to the lower level because thats where they keep the fly tying supplies & I have already spent entire lifetimes down there many times over, waiting for my Father & Brother. Though The Trading Post is not exactly chock full of stuff I want & need I don't go to Maine without stopping it's family tradition. After Kittery it was getting late & I didn't want to keep Ann's family waiting for dinner- I should have known they're more laid back about meal times than that! & a good thing too because I had not really thought about what day it was. There I was heading to the NH lakes region on a Friday night in the summer! The map book I had with me was woefully inadequate to say the least. It had roads li

sted which were not where they were shown & quite a few which I knew to exsist were not on the map! I suppose that for a dollar at Walmart you can't ask for much! But to find an underused road in the right general direction would have been lovely. As it was it was stop & go the whole way. Friday night at Ann's was uneventful & pleasant. We hung out, checked email & she showed me this website of really cool plus size clothes called:
Torrid check it out if you're larger than a size 12.
Posted by Becky
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:38 PM EDT