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Saturday, October 7, 2006
My Dishes (& my Body) Are Finally Washed!
Now Playing: Free by Train
Topic: Family Business

The sink is finished, we got up this morning between 16 & I we got the under sink valves turned off so we could have water in the bathroom & I could wash some clothes (Always a priority) we had homemade pancakes for brunch (no one, even mr 7 was up before 10 today I'm afraid I'm raising a pack of night owls like myself) both 10 & 7 helped me make them 7 likes to flip the pancakes & 10 likes mixing them & breaking the eggs especially. Then we began making our craft project a halloween banner with pieces of that foam sheeting stuff, I'd made one out of construction paper back when 7 was a baby & I didn't have any money for floam & actually had to have an argument with the ex to get the construction paper! We cut out ghosts, harlequin masks, jackolanterns & Witches hats & decorated them with mettalic pens, glitter & more foam. eventually they'll be strung on colored pipe cleaners & hung on a wall, like this halloween one that 7 & 10 made in addition to the ones we were all making. They put theirs together for something to do while 16 & I were decorating more in depth, it gave them a feeling of getting something acomplished, they hate that I wouldn't put up the others because I want the glue to dry completley so I don't end up with parts of floam candy corns & pumpkins all over the floor under where I put the banner.

    Around 5 16's friend & her boyfriend came over, the boyfriend is the one who was going to take the last nut off my kitchen sink. He did it! it took an hour or so even for him, to loosen it up & make get the whole faucet pulled off, after that, hooking up the new faucet took less than 15 minutes for me, inexperienced novice that I am, to finish- it looks lovely, the whole arm sticks up higher than the old one, every time I go out there & see it it looks funny to me, but I'll get used to it, I'm not unhappy with the quality, compared to the 50+ year old one which was there it's shiny, feels strong (though I fully expect mr 7 to NOT sit on this one- he's been listening to his sisters & I bitch about him breaking the old one since the problem began back in June & is heartily sick of the whole thing. 

   After all that hard work we had a lovely dinner, a beef roast & potatoes, with french onion soup mix on them & some water, sealed up in foil & baked, we had fresh bread because miss 16 was bored & also because the oven on with the dryer on makes the house warmer (I'm trying to hold out until november 1 before purchasing any kerosene for the heater) the weather is supposed to co-operate next week & be over 70 all week again (YAY) & we'll be watching a scary movie on video tonight, Skeleton Key, not sure if I'll like it, I probably will, I used to love slasher type movies of the friday the 13th variety but after my brother died I lost interest (we used to watch them together) Ann told me through IM it was more the suspense type of movie though so should be good. Last night I rented Walk the Line, on the advice of a co-worker (the same one I was discussing the sink with- he & I have worked on the same teams off & on for 4 years- since he started there, about a year after me) I'm a rock & roll fan all the way, can't stand country music (though I always had some respect for Johnny Cash) & neither can W, my co-worker, but he said he started watching it to be polite to his father who wanted to see it & ended up really liking it so he recommended it to me, I liked it too-- 16 was dubious but sat down & watched it & loved it- more so than I did actually.

Back to work tommorow, with all the best intentions of making a full week, maybe even 3 or 4 hours of overtime, who am I kidding, after 1 month in which we got 1 week out of 4 without overtime we're back to overtime every week, mandatory. so 4 hours wether I like it or not, unless I leave again, I refuse to try to get 4 hours extra if I'm not even there for 40 hours, after all, If I'm missing work because I'm sick, how will it improve things if I'm there sick? No use arguing with management, they're always sure they're right.

Posted by Becky at 9:01 PM EDT

Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 9:21 PM EDT

Name: "Utenzi"
Home Page: http://utenzi2.blogspot.com/

Hi Becky!  Michele sent me over.


I've only replaced a kitchen faucet once--it was for my girlfriend back about 10 years ago in a house she'd just bought. Putting the new one in was easy, getting the old one off was a real pain in the patootie. It sounds like you had a similar situation, Becky. It gave me a little more understanding for what plumbers go though.

 I'm like you regarding the heat. I really try not to turn on the heat in my house until November. I like to have a few months in which my utility costs stay low...

Saturday, October 7, 2006 - 9:23 PM EDT

Name: "Utenzi"
Home Page: http://utenzi2.blogspot.com/

I forgot to mention I like those haircuts you did a few days ago, Becky. Great job.

Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 10:11 AM EDT

Name: "Ann"

Congrats on fixing your sink. I really need to send you some PB Blaster and a set of Robogrips though. I have replaced both faucets in this house, the whole vanity, sink and all in the bathroom. I know its a bitch but you feel so much better knowing that its done and you won't have to worry about it anymore. How was the movie?

Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 12:12 PM EDT

Name: "Blond Girl"
Home Page: http://blondgirlrants.blogspot.com

Hey Beck... congrats on the clean bod and clean clothes.  I know how much getting both of those dealth with can improve your mood! 

I dropped by to thank you for your comment on my phone search.  You know, Verizon has done very well in this poll of mine, and I must say that I have had very few customer service issues with them in the four years we've had them.  I expect I'll probably stay with them, but see what kind of a loyaly program they can offer to me... 

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